GSTbyMM Plus Subscription
    • GSTbyMM Plus Subscription

    GSTbyMM Plus Subscription

    Tax included

    > Get timely resolution to your queries through personalized advisory sessions. (5 Queries Per Month)

    > Receive hand-picked premium case laws (summarised) periodically for your reference.

    > Simplify complex concepts with our easy-to-follow diagrams and flowcharts.

    > Enjoy exclusive discounts on upcoming webinars/products.

    Pay For: Monthly


    1. Monthly fee should be deposited by the 1st of each month. A reminder may be sent on the last day of the previous month.

    2. Member may be removed from the list on non-payment of subscription fee by 2nd date. Members may be re-added to the list on payment of the monthly subscription fee.

    3. Advisory will be subjected to a particular transaction i.e. a specific query and will not include detailed deliberation (studying facts of the case) of the entire case.

    4. An additional discount of 10% will be given to members for further advisories (after 5 queries) and consultations.

    5. For detailed opinions members can approach us for discounted packages.

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